Art & Faith Creative

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Becoming unstuck...

Do you ever feel like there’s so many things to be done that you end up not doing any of them? That’s where I’ve been lately…

I know there are things the Lord is calling me to do, but I can’t seem to go forward in them.

Anyone else feel this way too?

There are ideas in my head, things I know I need to finish, and new creative ways I want to share the hope of Jesus with other women, but where do I even begin?

If I’m honest with myself and all of you, I think part of being stuck is from fear.  Fear we aren’t ready, or won’t be good enough. The fear of starting something new and failing at it, or worrying that others are doing creative things so much better… so why even bother?

Fear has a way of telling us we aren’t sufficient… not good enough… or just not capable.

Any of this resonating with you?

Last week I was confronted with all these feelings of insufficency when I read this verse:

“It is not that we are competent in ourselves to consider ANYTHING as coming from ourselves, but our competence is from God.“ 2 Cor. 3:5

I hope you see this verse as an encouragement! I sure did. It actually came at the exact right moment as an answer straight from the Lord to all my questions/feelings/doubts/prayers. It was like a lightbulb moment that reminded me that IT’S NOT ABOUT ME! All that we do (our talents, abilities, callings) are for the purposes of God to be fulfilled… and they will be because HE is sufficient! And He will show us, guide us and establish us when we finally see the big picture and let the “flow of His boundless grace” fill our lives and get us moving forward again.

I love what Spurgeon writes on this because we can so easily make everything about us, can’t we?

“Our sufficiency is of God; let us practically enjoy this truth. We are poor, leaking vessels, and the only way for us to keep full is to put our pitcher under the perpetual flow of boundless grace. Then, despite its leakage, the cup will always be full to the brim.” (Spurgeon)

We get so caught up in all we “feel” we need to do and become bogged down by so many things that we forget... We forget that our purpose in life is to glorify God in all that we do. I’m not so sure it really matters exactly WHAT we do, but that we acknowledge WHO our abilities come from and we go forward in them.

I read this commentary on 2 Corinthians 3:5 and it’s such a truth bomb:

“Some people refuse to be used by God because they think of themselves as “not ready,” but in a sense, we are never ready or worthy. If we were, the sufficiency would be in ourselves and not from God.”

Boy did I need that reminder, and maybe you do too…

Yes, it’s our job to work as unto the Lord and do it heartily. But like 2 Corinthians 3:5 says: our competence come from God. So let’s encourage each other to remember who our abilities come from, let us pray for our fears to be placed in the Lord’s hands and left there, and then let us go forward in the work God is calling us to do!

I don’t know about you, but I say “Yes & Amen” to that friends!

One more verse I want to share with you before I end this blog post, and I was reminded of this last week (at the exact right moment) because it’s always right above me when I am working in my creative space:

“Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the works of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands.” Psalm 90:17

Sometimes I can just laugh at the sense of humor God must have, because it’s all RIGHT THERE and we can still forget His truths. But He keeps lovingly reminding us, and I am so humbled by that.

So I pray that these verses encourage you this week to go forward and know that God is our competence… and He will establish the works of our hands!

Anyone else becoming unstuck?

I’d love to hear if this blessed you today or if you have any encouragement to share with us, please leave a comment below.

Hugs to all,

Laura McCollough