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Love, Tuesday... and a Sigh

I’ve caught myself sighing a lot lately...

Which reminded me of this photo I took last June of the Bridge of Sighs in Venice, Italy. It’s such a beautiful sight to see when you visit this incredible floating city. It supposedly got its name for two reasons. The first they say is because it was built to connect the old prison in the Doges Palace with the new prison across the river. So the theory is that those who were incarcerated walked on this bridge and sighed as they looked out the tiny windows and saw their last sight of freedom. The second theory is said that if a couple sails under the bridge on a gondola and kisses, they will enjoy eternal love. The sighs are therefore said to be from the love-struck couples gliding under the bridge below. 

Either way you look at it, the sighs are a breath of contemplation about life. I feel like I’m taking a lot of these “breaths” or sighs lately... how about you? 

It struck me last night that even though there are two theories to why they call this the bridge of sighs, both ultimately move from one side of the bridge to the other side, both move them forward.  They can’t stay in the middle just sighing. 

Yes, we may be sighing because we feel stuck in the middle right now. Sighing from the stress of it all, maybe from loss, or from what was and what isn’t any longer... but I think we’re in the point of the contemplative sigh where we have to move forward and not look back. Our faith needs to take a step forward. 

Our faith needs to recognize that our lives are meant to be lived for a greater glory than our own plans or wish list.  That our faith is in a Father who created us and everything that exists, and His heart is for us! He is always working out His plans and purpose for us, so let’s move forward in faith that He will accomplish that... 

Instead of sighing, let’s be in AWE of The Lord TODAY!

“Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him!” Psalm 33:8

I want to take a moment to share an exercise with you that may help release those sighs to the Lord.

It’s something I do at night before going to sleep:

  1. Take a deep breath, and as you breath in focus on your stomach filling up with air for 5 seconds.

  2. Hold that breath for 5 seconds

  3. Now release your breath for 5 seconds; this is a slow release.

  4. I repeat this about 7 times to slow my breathing and release any emotions from the day.

  5. Now put out your hands with palms up and tell the Lord what your sighs are all about.

  6. Go ahead and take a big breath again and let it all go.

  7. Now, as your breathing is slowed and more restful, focus your heart, mind and soul on the fact that the Creator of the Universe LOVES YOU… and knows YOU by name.

Be still… and know that He is God.

I hope this blesses you in some way today.

We will be back later this week for an update on our retreats this year, and a sneak into NEXT years retreats as well!

Hugs to all,

Laura McCollough